29 Apr
14:00 - 15:30

NEXT ITEM: European elections and border regions

On the evening of 29 April, the Maastricht Debate will be organized, bringing together several Spitzenkandidaten. The Debate will touch upon several themes. In the afternoon before the Maastricht Debate, ITEM will provide more focus on the dimension of border regions and cross-border cooperation during its Next ITEM. In the form of a Table Talk, ITEM presents its Reflection and discusses the cross-border dimension with candidates for the European Parliament.

NEXT ITEM: Europese verkiezingen

Between 6 and 9 June, the elections for the European Parliament will be held. The elections are an important moment for the direction and future of the development of border regions and cross-border cooperation. Border regions are the living labs of EU integration, where both the positive and negative or missing elements of European cooperation is felt on a daily basis. In the party manifestos, political parties formulate their plans for the future of the European Union, and directly or indirectly shape cross-border cooperation and the development of border regions. What are the plans of the different political parties regarding border regions as so-called living labs? What are the effects for the border regions? Ahead of the elections, ITEM will analyse the European Manifesto’s of the different political groups in the European Parliament. Also fuelled with data from national programmes, ITEM will reflect on the dimension of border regions and cross-border cooperation.

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